Are You Ready To Take Your Luxury Brand To The Next Level?
Take the quiz and find out which LUX phase your business is currently in.
How often do you bring in new customers?
a) Not often, it's a challenge
b) Occasionally, but our regulars keep us going
c) All the time, new faces every day
How do you rate your customer retention?
a) Not good, we can't seem to keep them
b) It's alright, some come back, some don't
c) Amazing, we've got a loyal crew
Are you having trouble engaging your customers?
a) Yes, it's a bit of a struggle
b) No, we're doing ok in that department
c) It's second nature
Are your marketing efforts working for you?
a) Not really, it's hard to stand out
b) Yes, we're getting some results
c) Sure, we know exactly what is working
How well are your processes streamlined?
a) Not very well, we're still figuring it out
b) Somewhat, we've made improvements
c) Very well, everything runs smoothly
Based on your answers, you might be in the LAUNCH phase (mostly a), UPGRADE phase (mostly b), or EXPAND phase (mostly c).
Learn more about the 3 LUX Phases here: LAUNCH - UPGRADE - EXPAND